Below are photographs created during the Covid-19 Lockdown in Barcelona, Spain.

If you are interested in using the photos, please get in touch to discuss conditions.

Getting out of lockdown

Getting out of lockdown

“Getting out of darkness”.
Leaving the corona madness behind. Towards the light of normal life.

А свет придет. Когда казалось бы – и неоткуда ждать.
Придет из темноты. Куда – и заглянуть боялся.
И улыбнешься ты. Когда казалось бы – хотелось с темнотой обняться.


Covid-19 lockdown

A morning walk during Covid-19 lockdown.

Монолог от третьего лица:

“Мой страх сильней.
Меня хватает лишь на то чтоб Солнцу показаться.
Да, я боюсь.
В толпе людей без маски оказаться.
Нас запугали.
Так, что скоро от меня останется лишь тень…

Сегодня я пошел против потока.
Лжи, недоговорок, пустобрехов.
Я вышел улыбнуться Солнцу.
Оставив страх в корзине грязного белья.
Я человек. Не мальчик для битья.”

Social distancing

“Social distancing”

I have been missing you, Barcelona

“I have been missing you, my city.”

Seeing Barcelona again, after weeks of lockdown. 

You never know when your bullet will come

You do not know when your bullet will come, and where it will come from.
Hence, there is no point of being afraid of something that may never happen.

We are afraid of many things.
Sometimes without any reason.
It makes us run away.
And puts entire life on freezing.

“Hoping for the best”

Barcelona, Phase 0 of Covid-19 lockdown. Day 65 of confinement

It is a fragment of a design structure. I wish I knew the name of the designer so I could mention their name.

Barcelona moved to Phase 1

“The green light”.

25th May 2020. Barcelona moved into Phase 1 of getting out of quarantine.

Restaurants are closed in lockdown

“Non stop kitchen” turned into “No kitchen”. Full stop.

Lockdown dreams

“Lockdown dreams”.

To all couples who are separated due to lockdown and have to wait, to see each other.

You know. Sometimes I think. About you. The time we used to spend together.
A glass of wine. Small talk. Nice food. Your lovely eyes. In front of mine.
And thanks to the confinement time, I started thinking more. About US…

The painting is a print on a cafe window in Barcelona.
I just played with the way the sunrise was lighting it up to create the silhouettes.

Lockdown dreams

“Lockdown dreams” – to all couples who are separated due to lockdown and have to wait, to see each other.

Same text as for the color version (above).

barcelona covid-19 lockdown

“Locked down sex”.

Barcelona covid-19 lockdown

Barcelona covid-19 lockdown

“Locked down family life”.

I came across these paintings in one of Barcelona parks. They were created long before the lockdown. Consequence?

Covid-19 lockdown

Good morning, Barcelona.
I know, you will wake up to life! Everything will be fine.

Covid-19 lockdown

It’s time to support each other.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Locked down walk”.

Since 2nd May 2020, people of Barcelona were allowed to go out for a walk or sport activity, during scheduled hours.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Road patrol”.

Moving between provinces in Spain is not permitted in Phase 1 (as of 28th May 2020).

Covid-19 lockdown

You do not know when your bullet will come, and where it will come from. There is no point of being afraid of something that may never happen.
Enjoy life:)

Covid-19 lockdown

Early morning in Barcelona, first week of May 2020, Phase 0 of Covid-19 lockdown.

Covid-19 lockdown

The lovely morning hours…
When everyone is still asleep,
You come across some magic on the streets.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Locked down city”.

Barcelona without tourists is like an abandoned apartment without people.

Covid-19 lockdown

My heart belongs to you.

Covid-19 lockdown

Beware: from 21st May 2020, wearing masks in Spain is mandatory.


Covid-19 lockdown

“Locked down city”.


Covid-19 lockdown

“Shuttered life”

Without tourists, Barcelona pickpockets found a new way to make a living.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Shuttered life”.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Shuttered life”.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Uncertainty”. Shall we go or shall we wait?

The lockdown seems to have changed some people’ behavior. Some walk without a mask feeling like a brave hero. Others became more cautious. Do you also feel the change?

Covid-19 lockdown

Barcelona, I want you to come back to life.
Seeing abandoned dirty cars is like seeing a man who stopped taking care and did not shave for weeks.

Covid-19 lockdown

“A crying house”.

Barcelona under Covid-19 lockdown. Let us go for a walk…”

Covid-19 lockdown

Barcelona, I want you to come back to life.
Seeing abandoned dirty cars is like seeing a man who stopped taking care and did not shave for weeks.

Covid-19 lockdown


Covid-19 lockdown

Leaving home for the first time after the lockdown.

Covid-19 lockdown


Covid-19 lockdown

Watching the life coming back. Step by step. Day by day.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Social distancing”.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Self isolation”.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Office life”.
How the office life would look like after the lockdown?
With many people working from home, do you think the number of love affairs at work will go down?

Covid-19 lockdown

I keep my Soul half way open.
It’s closed for the passers-by.
It’s open for the ones I love.

Covid-19 lockdown

Freedom vs lockdown.

Covid-19 lockdown

“Where is your mask??”

Covid-19 lockdown


Covid-19 lockdown

For how long the masks will stick with us?

В переносном смысле: Как долго мы будем “привязаны” к маскам?
В прямом: как долго маски будут привязаны к нам?

Covid-19 Lockdown

“When the libraries are closed…”

Covid-19 lockdown photos

“Lockdown dream: take me for a walk”.

Covid-19 coronavirus lockdown photos

“The new normality”.

I wonder who came up with this term and is trying to convince us that this is “normal”?

Covid-19 coronavirus lockdown photos

Lockdown lifehack for men 😜

“Take me to a restaurant!”
“Sorry dear, all restaurants have been closed for three months”
“Lockdown, dear”.

“Postres” in Spanish means “desserts”.

Covid-19 coronavirus lockdown photos

“Yes, Sir. I am running home, to obey your order!”


Locked. Up.